NMT Monitoring

NMS 450X
Complete NMT Monitoring for Any Patient, Any Setting.
The Stimpod NMS 450X, is a precision nerve locating tool used for localizing specific neural pathways. Localization of nerves by electrical stimulation involves connecting the nerve locator to a conducting needle through which local anaesthetics can be injected. The distance of the needle (cathode) from the nerve can be estimated by establishing the minimum threshold current required, to facilitate a neuromuscular response.
The NMS 450X includes Neuromuscular Blocking Agent Monitoring functionality with real-time feedback achieved by tri-axial accelerometry.
Full Case NMT monitoring enables safe extubation and eliminates residual paralysis in any hospital setting, provider preference and surgery type.
The Anaesthetist can seamlessly integrate neuromuscular transmission data with anaesthesia monitors and EMR systems.
Choose either AMG or EMG modality at point-of-care for quick patient setup, providing first results in under a minute.
Full location versatility offers portable in-hand for bedside in the PACU or ICU and mountable options for complete OR intra-operative use.